- Synthetic methods for preparing products with industrial interest.
- Development of new chemical and biotechnological processes to valorize to the agrofood by-products.
- Development of new biocatalysts from isolated microorganisms.
- Use of continuous-flow systems and microreactors in synthesis and biocatalysis.
- Synthesis of glycerol derivative products.
- Synthesis of sugar derivatives.
- Synthesis of aminoacid derivatives.
- Preparation of additives for food and cosmetics industry from natural sources.
- Use of biocatalysts for add value to agro-industrial waste.
- Biodegradable plastics for agricultural use.
- Improvement of chromatographic techniques and mass spectrometry.
- Authentication tests for NMR, HPLC-MS/MS, Oxygen isotope ratio, FTIR, Raman…
- Agro-food metabolomics.
- In vitro plant tissue culture.
- Ecotoxicological analysis.